Roads & Driveways


The 100 Acre Woods Townhouse Associations owns, maintains and controls Mulberry Drive, Cottonwood Drive and Pebble Court as private roads.  Parking is difficult in a densely populated community such as 100 Acre Woods and the Association implores your cooperation.

The installation of double (expanded) driveways is permitted by the Township and may help to alleviate parking problems, if your current driveway does not provide sufficient space for your cars.  Contact the Management Company or Board of Directors for further information.

Residents with more than two (2) vehicles shall be considerate of other occupants and park their vehicles accordingly.

Sidewalks and driveways are not to be blocked by parked vehicles, at any time.

No parking within thirty (30) feet of an intersection and fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant.  No parking on Pebble Court except at the court’s entrance on the west side of the street.  No parking in the eyelids (cul-de-sacs) on Cottonwood and Mulberry Drives.

Vehicles must be parked parallel to and within six (6) inches of curb lines.  No parking perpendicular to curb lines.

No parking on the grass.

Whenever snow falls to a depth of two (2) inches or more, parking is prohibited on Cottonwood Drive, Mulberry Drive and Pebble Court during the snowstorm and until 36 hours after the end of the storm.  This will allow for efficient snow removal operations and for treatment or melting of icy spots.



Standard rule: No exterior changes are to be implemented without prior written approval from the Board of Directors.  All proposals for driveway repair, replacement, resurfacing or extension must be submitted with drawing dimensions.  The maintenance of all driveways is the responsibility of the homeowner.


The easements behind and between buildings throughout the community are restricted for use by middle unit owners for access to their backyards.  The easements also enable access for inspection, maintenance and repair of utility and service lines/systems.  The easements are not to be used as walkways or “cut-throughs” for convenience or recreation.

All of the property between neighboring units is privately owned, and there are no common areas between adjoining properties anywhere in the development.  Easements are on private property and the rights of the individual homeowners are to be respected at all times.

The riding of bicycles between or behind buildings is prohibited.